OC Ponies: Catalog Qyery and Argent Qyasar
08 May 2012 Comments Off on OC Ponies: Catalog Qyery and Argent Qyasar
I see the purpose of OC ponies (personal ones, anyway) as a way of distilling yourself into one purpose, one statement, one talent. I couldn’t. I needed two. I suspect this isn’t unusual, or it might be related to my bipolar disorder. Anyway, I needed Qyery and Qyasar.
I see Qyery and Qyasar as being twins. The relationship is similar to Octavia and Vinyl Scratch: Qyery is very serious, meticulous, and organized, while Qyasar is more free, open, and joyful. Even though they are so different, I see them as being in harmony, and perfectly supportive of each other.
Catalog Qyery
I love being a cataloger in an academic library.  It requires complete concentration and meticulous attention to detail. Qyery is somepony who appreciates order and quiet (much like Twilight or Rarity). She gets a little wearied of Qyasar’s exuberance, but is calm and happy when things aren’t chaotic. Her cutie mark should be something library related, like a book or a catalog card.
Argent Qyasar
Qyasar is more whimsical; not a crazy loud energy, but just up beat and dreamy. I see her magic as controlling gravity. Her glasses are sort of a science joke: because quasars are formed from a black hole, they can actually appear as two points of light due to the effect of gravity lensing (so, glasses have lenses… I know, it is a dumb science joke ^_^). Quasars also emit a bright beam of light and energy. I like the contradiction; even though black holes have so much gravity that nothing escapes, quasars emit tremendous amounts of energy. Her cutie mark would be something space related.
I made these using the General Zoi Pony generator.