Mock Honeycomb
18 Apr 2011 Comments Off on Mock Honeycomb
in IRL
Multiple of 4 + 1 Rows 1, 3 and 5 (WS): Purl
Rows 2 and 4: k1, *sl 3 wyif, k1; rep from *
Row 6: k2, *insert needle under all the slipped stitch strands below and knit the next st bringing the strands over and off the right needle, k3; rep from *, end last rep k2
Rows 7, 9 and 11: Purl
Rows 8 and 10: k3, *sl 3 wyif, k1; rep from *, end k2
Row 12: k4, *iinsert needle under all the slipped stitch strands below and knit the next st bringing the strands over and off the right needle, k3; rep from *, end k1 Rep Rows 1-12.