Hunter Combat Pets – Qyeri
18 Feb 2011 Comments Off on Hunter Combat Pets – Qyeri
Current Pet List:
Cataclysm (6):Â Karoma (X-SB-F-85), Terrorpene (T-85), Sambas (F-85), Ghostcrawler (X-SB-F-85), Temple Scarab (T-85) (was color changer, will abandon for a Jeweled Scarab), Topaz Shale Spider (X-T-85) (Will abandon for Jadefang)
Northrend (4): Skoll (X-SB-F-85), Gondria (X-SB-F-85), Sentry Worg (F-85)(color changer), Vargul Blighthound (F-82)
Outlands (0):
Vanilla (13): Buru the Gorger (X-C-85), Ghost Saber (1st pet – F-85), Ashtail (F-85-DRAWS AGGRO, DO NOT USE FOXES!!!), Pink Tallstrider (F-85), Turquoise Tallstrider (F-85), Red Devilsaur (X-F-85), White Devilsaur (X-F-85), Brilliant Clayscraper (C-82), Vale Howler (C-82), Kurken (X-F-82), Humar (F-82), Enthralled Crustacean (T-82)
Want: Jeweled Scarab (replace Temple Scarab), Madexx (Various colors), Jadefang (Replace Topaz Shale Spider), Arcturis, Loq, Sewer Beast (my old nemesis!), Olm the Wise, Death Howl