Here’s my little vampire list

Minifee Ala Carte Active line

Woosoo Vampire Girl (15) = awake and asleep with make up

Beauty white skin

Big Bust (C/3)

Cutie Legs

Number 6 hands

High heeled feet!! (White!)

High heeled shoes!! (Black of course!)

And a few other cute things on the site:

Little wings!


Love the bonnet

Kannagi doll ^_^


More doll plaigarism – old school

Dust of Doll vs. Leekeworld again
Some of this plagiarisms case are proved, other are big suspicions (like for the Leeke Florence, very similar to Kukula’s work). For a bigger version, click here Pic by .An/Ovalaire
I still don’t understand why Leeke is perseverily using this pic for defending themselves of plagiarism when we can clearly saw Lillycat’s paper doll and Püns legs on this pic. It’s a little bit shaky defense (and very stupid) no ? _______________________________ Je ne comprend toujours pas pourquoi Leeke s’acharne à utiliser cette image pour se défendre contre les accusations de plagiat quand on peut clairement voir la paper doll de Lillycar et les jambes de Püns sur cette image. C’est un peu bancale comme défense (et surtout très stupide) non ? Pic by Takuya.

Leekeworld Mikhalia v. Dust of Doll Puns

Den of Angels News


Tallest to shortest:
Charybdis : Soom Super Gem Cass Full Set : Currently wearing all her fantasy parts except for her fins, since she couldn’t stand in them, instead is wearing her high heeled feet.  She is currently dressed in a corset dress by Nalisinko Studios  [  ] and is absolutely gorgeous.  She is wearing Dark Red Violet glass eyes from Luts, and a white wig from Dollheart.
Hera : Soom Super Gem Shadow Onyx Full set, Galena wings/feet :  Ok, technically she is not wearing the wings and feet yet, but she has them in a box near, and I plan to do that soon.  She is dressed in a corset dress that I commisioned from Nalisinko Studios  [  ] and is, also, absolutely gorgeous.  She is wearing Ethereal Angels urethane eyes in a yellow color, that I can’t remember the name of.  She is also wearing a Monique gold Paige wig in a golden blonde color.

Cerin : Domuya Perennial Saisha :  She has a orange and green face up (it looks better than it sounds) from Sour Dotz.  Her original face up was just too pale, and the turquoise eye shade did nothing for her.  She is wearing Ethereal Angles urethane eyes in an apple green, a Monique gold Paris wig in Auburn, and is dressed in a commissioned dress called Cattleya from Soda.

Morgan : DOD DOT Shall :  She has a Light Brown face up from Dream of Doll.

Rui (Peakswood FOC Wake Up Cue) :

Mayure (CP Delf Miyu) :

Julia (Fairyland Minifee Rheia Swan Full set) :

Ayaan (Pipos R.Pi D.Charlotte Full set) :

Amin (Pipos R.Pi Demon Full Set) :

Zora (Fairyland Littlefee Dark Soo Evening Primrose Full Set)

Suri (Fairyland Little fee Lishe Sleeping faceplate) : Faceplate was originally an awake Flora faceplate.

Jackson (DOD DOT Tender Lahoo head on a partial copper skeleton) :

Akemi (Dreaming Lishe head on a cloth body) :

Beza (Peakswood FOC Goldie head) :

Phix (CP Delf Dreaming Shiwoo head) :

Zora (Minifee Dark Elf Soo head) :

Silk (Fairyland PukiPuki Sugar) :

Cashmere (Fairyland Puki Multi-head Ante head) :

Angora (Fairyland Puki Multi-head Cupid head)


Doll Links

Den of Angels



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::+:: mystic eyes international ::+::

Ethereal Angels – Eye Candies Gumdrops Urethane Doll Eyes

Sukerukun Transparent Resin Clay

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