Warcraft mounts


7: Abyssal Sea Horse, Albino Drake, Argent Hippogryph,  Argent Warhorse, Armored Brown Bear, Armored Snowy Gryphon, Azure Netherwing Drake

18: Black Battlestrider, Black Stallion, Black War Bear, Black War Elekk, Black War Mammoth, Black War Ram, Black War Steed,  Black War Tiger, Blue Dragonhawk, Blue Drake Mount, Blue Mechanostrider, Blue Qiraji Battle Tank, Blue Riding Nether Ray, Bronze Drake Mount, Brown Elekk, Brown Horse, Brown Ram, Brown Riding Camel

6: Celestial Steed, Cenarion War Hippogryph, Chestnut Mare, Cobalt Netherwing Drake, Cobalt Riding Talbuk, Cobalt War Talkbuk

1: Ebon Gryphon

1: Fossilized Raptor

11: Gnomeregan Battlestrider, Golden Gryphon, Gray Elekk, Gray Ram, Great Blue Elekk, Great Green Elekk, Great Purple Elekk, Great Red Elekk, Green Mechanostrider, Green Qiraji Battle Tank, Green Riding Nether Ray

2: Ice Mammoth, Ironforge Ram

1: Mekgineer’s Chopper

1: Onyx Netherwing Drake

3: Pinto, Purple Elekk, Purple Riding Nether Ray

1: Quel’dorei Steed

4: Red Drake, Red Mechanostrider, Red Qiraji Battle Tank, Red Riding Nether Ray

10: Sea Turtle, Silver Covenant Hippogryph, Silver Riding Nether Ray, Silver Riding Talbuk, Silver War Talbuk, Snowy Gryphon, Spotted Frostsaber, Striped Dawnsaber, Striped Frostsaber, Striped Nightsaber,

20: Swift Blue Gryphon, Swift Brewfest Ram, Swift Brown Ram, Swift Brown Steed, Swift Frostsaber, Swift Gray Ram, Swift Gray Steet, Swift Green Gryphon, Swift Green Mechanostrider, Swift Mistsaber, Swift Moonsaber, Swift Palamino, Swift Purple Gryphon, Swift Red Gryphon, Swift Stormsaber, Swift Violet Ram, Swift White Mechanostrider, Swift White Ram, Swift White Steed, Swift Yellow Mechanostrider

5: Tan Riding Camel, Tan Riding Talbuk, Tan War Talbuk, Traveler’s Tundra Mammoth, Turbostrider

1: Unpainted Mechanostrider

2: Veridian Netherwing Drake, Violet Netherwing Drake

4: White Ram, White Riding Talbuk, White War Talbuk, Wooly Mammoth

Warcraft Journal

Finished Loch Modan, Wetlands, and the Arathi Highlands, leaving only the Hinterlands and WPL zones to finish up.  Already capped my guild rep for the week.  Doing the Tol Barad dailies, and found that in one day, if you managed to get all three dungeons (9), the three regular dailies (3), the 5 peninsula dailies (5), and pull the Tank daily (2), you can pull together 19 Tol Barad commendations in a day. At the very least, and most probably, if you control Tol Barad at least once, you can snag 12.  At very worst, you can get 6 on the peninsula. (Still need: Crossbow (85), Drake of the West Winds (200), Spectral Steed (165), Rustberg Gull (50))

500 commendations = [19/day = 27 days] [12/day = 42 days] [6/day = 84 days]

I broke 7000 achievement points today!  1000 more than the next person in our guild (Kardexia).

Don’t forget the little camels!

Madexx NPC ID #s :

50154 – Brown
51401 – Red Red
51402 – ?
51403 -Less Red
51404 – Blue

Penny Arcade & WoW

Penny Arcade & WoW

I blame the Fox

The Guildfather

Pretty sure I saw a guy with that

As, a fishing expert, I am also a fan of “Northern Exposure”

90 gold? hahahaha

This is what happens when you eschew alts

Mojo! Red AQ battle tank! Just like Harvest Moon

The shark was right there.  With a big red arrow.

Still true today.  Tol Barad, U Sux!

Non-combat Pets

Need (in order of probable collection):

15: Baradin fox kit. Curious Oracle Hatchling/Eggbert/Mr.Wiggles. Crawling Claw. Hyacinth Macaw. Whiskers/Willy. Tiny Shale Spider. Dark Phoenix. Armadillo Pup. Guild Herald. Murkimus the Gladiator. Tuskar kite. Searing Scorchling. Hippogryph Hatchling.


5: Albino Snake, Ammen Vale Lashling, Ancona Chicken, Argent Squire, Azure Whelpling,

10: Black Kingsnake, Black Tabby Cat, Blue Clockwork Rocket Bot, Blue Dragonhawk Hatchling, Blue Mini Jouster, Blue Moth, Bombay Cat, Brazie’s Sunflower, Brown Prairie Dog, Brown Rabbit, Brown Snake,

11: Calico Cat, Chuck, Clockwork Gnome, Cobra Hatchling, Cockatiel, Cockroach, Core Hound Pup, Cornish Rex Cat, Crimson Snake, Crimson Whelpling, Curious Wolvar Pup,

8: Dark Whelpling, Darting Hatchling, Deathy, Deviate Hatchling, De-Weaponized Mechanical Companion, Disgusting Oozeling, Dun Morogh Cub, Durotar Scorpion,

5: Elementium Geode, Elwynn Lamb, Emerald Whelpling, Enchanted Broom, Enchanted Lantern,

5: Father Winter’s Helper, Firefly, Fossilized Hatchling, Frigid Frostling, Frosty,

8: Ghostly Skull, Giant Sewer Rat, Golden Dragonhawk Hatchling, Great Horned Owl, Green Wing Macaw, Gryphon Hatchling, Guild Page (Alliance), Gundrak Hatchling,

1: Hawk Owl,

1: Jubling,

1: Kirin Tor Familiar,

8: Leaping Hatchling, Lifelike Toad, Lil’ Deathwing, Lil’ KT, Lil’ Ragnaros , Lil’ Smoky, Lil’ XT, Little Fawn,

12: Magic Lamp, Magical Crawdad, Mana Wyrmling, Mechanical Chicken, Mechanical Squirrel, Mechanopeep,  Miniwing, Mojo, Moonkin Hatchling (Alliance), Mr. Chilly, Mr. Grubbs, Muckbreath, Mulgore Hatchling,

1: Nether Ray Fry,

3: Obsidian Hatchling, Onyxian Whelpling, Orange Tabby Cat,

12: Pandaren Monk, Peanut, Pebble, Peddlefeet, Pengu, Perky Pug, Personal World Destroyer, Pet Bombling, Phoenix Hatchling, Pint-Sized Pink Pachyderm, Plump Turkey, Proto-Drake Whelp,

7: Ravasaur Hatchling, Razormaw Hatchling, Razzashi Hatchling, Red Dragonhawk Hatchling, Red Moth, Rocket Chicken, Rustberg Seagull,

16: Sen’jin Fetish, Senegal, Shimmering Wyrmling, Siamese Cat, Silver Dragonhawk Hatchling, Silver Tabby Cat, Sinister Squashling, Smolderweb Hatchling, Snarly, Snowshoe Rabbit, Speedy, Spirit of Summer, Spring Rabbit, Sprite Darter Hatchling, Stinker, Strand Crawler,

10: Teldrassil Sproutling, Tickbird Hatchling, Tiny Flamefly, Tiny Snowman, Tiny Sporebat, Tirisfal Batling, Toothy, Toxic Wasteling, Tranquil Mechanical Yeti, Tree Frog,

11: Westfall Chicken, White Kitten, White Moth, White Tickbird Hatchling, Wind Rider Cub, Winter Reindeer, Winter’s Little Helper, Withers, Wolpertinger, Wood Frog, Worg Pup,

1: Yellow Moth

Warcraft : Goals

Mounts: Cat, Horse, Elek at AT.  Grand Mammoth from Sons of Hodir.  Tol’vir archeology Anqiraj Tank.  Dormus’ camel.  2 reputation camels from Ramakhan. Oracle Protodrake. Tol Barad Drake of the West Wind. Tol Barad Spectral Steed.

Pets: Tol Barad Sea Gull.  Tol Barad Fox Kit. Crawling Claw.

Feats: Fungal Fury. Iron Chef. Limnologist (Bloated Catfish/Red Gill/Trout/Mud Snapper, Huge Spotted Feltail, Goldenscale Vendorfish), Oceanographer (Bloated Salmon, Summer Bass)

Dailies:  Tol Barad (Penninsula, Proper). Ramakhan (2).  SW cooking, fishing.

Holidays: Children’s Week PVP achievement.

Hunter Combat Pets – Qyeri

Current Pet List:

Cataclysm (6):  Karoma (X-SB-F-85), Terrorpene (T-85), Sambas (F-85), Ghostcrawler (X-SB-F-85), Temple Scarab (T-85) (was color changer, will abandon for a Jeweled Scarab), Topaz Shale Spider (X-T-85) (Will abandon for Jadefang)

Northrend (4): Skoll (X-SB-F-85), Gondria (X-SB-F-85), Sentry Worg (F-85)(color changer), Vargul Blighthound (F-82)

Outlands (0):

Vanilla (13): Buru the Gorger (X-C-85), Ghost Saber (1st pet – F-85), Ashtail (F-85-DRAWS AGGRO, DO NOT USE FOXES!!!), Pink Tallstrider (F-85), Turquoise Tallstrider (F-85), Red Devilsaur (X-F-85), White Devilsaur (X-F-85), Brilliant Clayscraper (C-82), Vale Howler (C-82), Kurken (X-F-82), Humar (F-82), Enthralled Crustacean (T-82)

Want: Jeweled Scarab (replace Temple Scarab), Madexx (Various colors), Jadefang (Replace Topaz Shale Spider), Arcturis, Loq, Sewer Beast (my old nemesis!), Olm the Wise, Death Howl