Catalog Query, Argent Quasar and Gamera’s Riddle

Catalog Query     [Qyatalog Qyeri]

I love being a cataloger in an academic library.   It requires complete concentration and meticulous attention to detail, like Twilight or Rarity (best pony).  Qyeri appreciates order and quiet, and is calm and happy in that environment.  Her cutie mark is a catalog card on top of books.

I made this using the General Zoi Pony Creator on Deviantart.

I commissioned the wonderful Sunstice of Deviant art to draw Qyeri and her cutie mark.  Sunstice was wonderful to work with and I highly recommend her!   (She designed a second cutie mark for me after the one in the pony picture; that is why they are different.)


Qyeri, Qyasar, and Gamera’s Riddle

Catalog Query, Argent Quasar and Gamera’s Riddle

(Image commissioned from the wonderful Sunstice on Deviantart.)

Qyeri and Qyasar are my OCs, and  Gamera’s Rddle is the OC I created for my husband.  Qyeri and Qyasar are twins and have a relationship like that of Octavia (serious) and Vinyl Scratch (energetic).  They are completely different and yet perfectly matched.

(Image commissioned from the wonderful Sunstice on Deviantart.)

(Wallpaper I made with cutie marks from the wonderful Sunstice on Deviantart.)



OC Ponies: Catalog Qyery and Argent Qyasar

I see the purpose of  OC ponies (personal ones, anyway) as a way of distilling yourself into one purpose, one statement, one talent.  I couldn’t.  I needed two.  I suspect this isn’t unusual, or it might be related to my bipolar disorder.  Anyway, I needed Qyery and Qyasar.

I see Qyery and Qyasar as being twins.  The relationship is similar to Octavia and Vinyl Scratch: Qyery is very serious, meticulous, and organized, while Qyasar is more free, open, and joyful.  Even though they are  so different, I see them as being in harmony, and perfectly supportive of each other.

Catalog Qyery

I love being a cataloger in an academic library.   It requires complete concentration and meticulous attention to detail.  Qyery is somepony who appreciates order and quiet (much like Twilight or Rarity).  She gets a little wearied of Qyasar’s exuberance, but is calm and happy when things aren’t chaotic.  Her cutie mark should be something library related, like a book or a catalog card.

Argent Qyasar

Qyasar is more whimsical; not a crazy loud energy, but just up beat and dreamy.  I see her magic as controlling gravity.  Her glasses are sort of a science joke:  because quasars are formed from a black hole, they can actually appear as two points of light due to the effect of gravity lensing (so, glasses have lenses… I know, it is a dumb science joke ^_^).  Quasars also emit a bright beam of light and energy.  I like the contradiction; even though black holes have so much gravity that nothing escapes, quasars emit tremendous amounts of energy.  Her cutie mark would be something space related.

I made these using the General Zoi Pony generator.




accurate. do not call the library androids librarians.

Yep, the resident crazy.

Hospice Austin: Blanket Raffle charity

So much good work (AHS newsletter)


Kate was one of the first dogs brought to AHS from the Search and Rescue efforts during the Bastrop fires. She arrived extremely malnourished, suffering from an advanced skin condition, missing most of her teeth and with a palette deformity that made eating a challenge for her. It was clear that Kate was a stray. On Monday, all unclaimed Bastrop animals went up for adoption, and Kate was one of the first to find her new home. She now has kids to love on, a backyard to run in, a doggie-sibling to play with, and a huge bed to sleep in. She couldn’t be happier! Thank you for helping us give Kate such a happy ending!

We hope to have many more amazing matches made this month during Adopt A Shelter Dog Month, when all dogs are only $20! View available dogs now!

New project

check out the guy at 5 minutes;title

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